Nutria Eradication Coalition
In 2023, the Chesapeake Bay Nutria Eradication Program began an outreach effort to engage conservation groups interested in conserving Virginia's wetlands and waterways. These organizations are helping us to spread the word regarding the threat nutria pose and the ongoing efforts to stop their spread and, eventually, eradicate them.

Nutria Coalition Members
Ducks Unlimited
Chesapeake Bay Foundation
James River Association
Friends of the Rappahannock
Lynnhaven River Now
Friends of Dragon Run
Friends of Dyke Marsh
Back Bay National Wildlife Refuge Society
Virginia Chapter of The Wildlife Society
Hoffler Creek Wildlife Foundation
Nansemond River Preservation Alliance
Wetlands Watch
We need your help!
If your organization would like to become a member of the Nutria Eradication Coalition, please use the button below to submit your contact information. There is no cost to become a member. Members will receive regular updates from the Chesapeake Bay Nutria Eradication Team.